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AMT simulators family

The simulator software includes training task (training scenario) design tools with any geo-technical conditions and non- standard situations.

In addition to imitation of the troubles and failures that pre-assigned by the instructor in the scenario of training task, the instructor is able to "create them straight off", when the trainee fulfills the task.

In the multiuser software version of simulators instructor has full control over the training process of more than fifteen trainees simultaneously.

It is possible to stop and restart the technological process simulation in any place, to repeat the situation and conditions of the training task performance.

The software keeps a training process log for each trainee, forms a training report, enables to assess the trainees actions using time graphs of technological parameters after the training session and prints these graphs.

Imitation of the crucial parameters of drilling process is accompanied by sound, animation and display data and diagrams

Hardware and software version of the AMT simulators make the learning process quality and effective

Education of responsible and costly operations before the student encounter them in practice, promotes preserving human lives, equipment and wells from the consequences of errors of staff.

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